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Digital Kaleidoscope - 2014
Mediums and Methods
Brass, Walnut, Glass, Raspberry Pi, Video, Software in C++, OpenFrameworks, and GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language)
Portland, Oregon
Video Kaleidoscope is one part of a series of intentionally complex modern interpretations of antiques as sculptural objects. The final project outwardly appears as an elegant conversation piece that might be expected of a well-appointed Victorian-era home, but all similarities end there. Inside the highly polished brass exterior are a hidden rotary encoder and a high-definition LCD screen. The base of the kaleidoscope contains a Raspberry Pi computer serving media to the LCD in the form of changing curated video images while crossfading into and out of procedural shader animations. As the viewer rotates the kaleidoscope dial, the images are rotated on the LCD, and values fed to the shaders are updated changing the character of the animations in proportion to the number of turns.